Our Mission
Growing and forming in companies that produce in Romania, we are the ones who best understand the needs of a producer, and the main need of us, the producers, is to find the market and the market segment, which will provide us with an environment conducive to correctly marketing the products we manufacture.
Kartel Trading is a family concept, the members of this family don’t always have the same name, they don’t always have the same ancestors or maybe even the same place where they were born, but they have in common, in addition to a whole set of values, the virtue of work , which does not leave us careless, but pushes us to develop every day.
Kartel Trading is not just a simple business, it is a Business Manifesto.
It’s called Business because it’s our passion, it’s what we love to do, and the inner satisfaction behind hard work is the most important index we track in our charts.
It is a Manifesto, because we are used to always surpassing our limits, we have come to mature, to grow, to manifest, by allying, teaming up, fighting together, and proving that where there are many, power grows!
We love industry, the hum of the production lines, the rattle of the machines that, traversing our mountains, bring into processing as raw material for our factories, a resource with which God has blessed us, starting from the huge blocks of stone excavated from the slopes, to the towers spruce trees that throughout history have carried the name of Romanian timber throughout the world.
We do not neglect other important resources, reliable raw materials for CNCs that are so precise, which cut at the most exact rates, products made of iron, aluminum, metals, and other aggregates.
In addition to the above, and hundreds of other reasons that we can discuss in more detail at our meeting, I invite you to shake hands with us and our partners!
Together, we will definitely be stronger, produce, market, and develop. We will bring added value to our home.
If you’re a manufacturer, do it the best you can, maintain quality standards, we’ll buy from you!
If you are a trader, builder, service provider, goods trader, etc., buy from us, we guarantee you the best value for money!